Substance Over Style: the November edit

Circus 1931

The penultimate Substance Over Style post for 2013: there’s just 31 days to make the year count.  I’ll be spending it re-reading a selection of Doris Lessing novels which I re-found in a forgotten suitcase, considering and dismissing New Year resolutions, legitimately drinking buckets of hot chocolate, wearing all my favourite winter clothes at once and working my way through a Douglas Sirk boxset.

In case you’re not just interested in me, here’s the Best Bits of the internet from November.

The Isabella Blow, Fashion Galore exhibition at Somerset House finally opened. Predictably, Vanessa Friedman had something smart to say about Issy, street style and just who we dress for.
Quinn Norton’s analysis of women and the internet is worth a read: part one of the four-part series here.
Lucie Goulet of Fashion Abecaidare introduced me to The Broad Experience, run by Ashley Milne-Tyte. The podcasts, exploring women, the workplace and success, are excellent.
Is the middle class undergoing an identity crisis? Simon Kuper thinks so.
Lena Dunham: Deliverence
Why do blockbusters still rule the entertainment industry?
Was Ally McBeal actually a feminist icon? Either way, it’s worth watching a few from the early series, just to be sure.
Atonement and that green dress, analysed.
The ever-excellent Silver Screenings had some thoughts on the ultimate Hollywood film.
Some food for you thoughts: is social media redefining ‘depression’?

Books on my wish-list (it’s the festive season y’all): The Power of Glamour by Virginia Postrel, The Letters of John F. Kennedy edited by Martin W. Sandler and

And finally: image source.

Circus 1931

Circus 1931

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